Book Review – Callan

Hello, wonderlandians. All right so first I have got to do a disclaimer this book was sent to me for a review I am also part of the blog to her. I did do a cover reveal of this book.  As always the heels are my honest opinions and I am going to be a hundred and 20% honest with you as I am reading this book.

Thank you Xpresso Tours for sending me the book.

let’s get out of talking about the cover, shall we?

the guy on the cover makes my mouth drool. I’m not the only one because I have had a lot of people commenting on that cover reveal that the guy on this cover was hot hot hot hot. so overall I really do like this cover.

Now to start off this review I honestly do believe that this is the kind of book that should be reviewed as you’re reading the book. I got two chapters in before I came to this conclusion. And let me tell you why the first two chapters of this book I did find to be a little hard to wrap my head around. This book is number 5 in a series. Each one of the books though is a standalone and candy red out of order. I feel that that is very important information because a lot of the times when books are in the series but each book features a different main character and a completely different storyline there can be times where the storylines intertwine. I honestly don’t believe that that’s the case for these books. But again this is my first time reading this particular series. Now Let’s get back to the first two chapters the first two chapters takes place Over a six-month time period. The reason I found it super difficult to figure out what was going on was that the story just jumped right in and I think you for your kind of figuring it out as The Story Goes On.

The first few chapters have a different kind of dialogue to it and I didn’t quite understand until it was explained. They start using words like compound and Hunter and brother and sister and there is a religious aspect to his life. Then it’ll finally become clear this guy Callan was raised in a religious cult place. so you have like one guy and he is the prophet I guess but in the story, he’s not a prophet he’s just kind of like the leader of their compound. And there are very specific rules for men and women. One of the rules is that the leader of the compound can only procreate it seems like. So there is a compound seems to be a lot of incest going on. Case and point there is explanations within the second chapter. So it is explained that men take women when they reach the age of Womanhood and in this case that is when they get their period. So that in and of itself kind of freaks me out a little bit because okay this is going to be a little TMI But at the age of 11 is when I got my period so the fact that men were starting to have sex with young girls was a bit of a shock factor for me. So that is something to think about when going into this book. Once I hit the third chapter I was very able to immerse myself in the book and I really like the writing style of the author I think she is great. The fact that within the first two chapters she’s kind of touching on a subject that is very taboo in our society today and I don’t feel like she has done the topic wrong. It furthers your empathy for our main characters and that’s something that she does very well and that’s just Within These first two chapters. They hook you and they make you want to read more.

This whole is a crazy ride. I really didn’t know what to expect from the rest of this book. This is honestly a book but you cannot predict at all which personally I truly like in a book. If a book is way too predictable then I lose interest but at the same time, I’m like oh yeah I called that. I really don’t want to give anything away in this book because I know I say this in every review but like literally everything is a spoiler. So I’m going to give you a rundown of kind of what the book is about even though I did that in the first like two or three paragraphs. So the rest of the book is about him wanting to be with his step-sister. I overall I might have to give this book about a three and a half Stars. I would really like another story based on the ending of this book. To see how different both of them grew up that yet find so much understanding and each other and so much respect for how the other one was raised I do see the Love Story here. I honestly do think that I seek box that literally takes place in like a month and a half till like 3 months. Because that’s honestly what this book feels like it’s like they meet they fall in love everything happened. Personally, I love books like that I don’t know if you guys do but I would recommend this book.

Before you do get this book though I honestly do think that there should be a disclaimer going into this book here’s the reason why as I had previously stated there is a religious aspect and the fact that he grows up in a cult there is incest from the main leader of the cult. And then it deals with other topics such as rape, sex trafficking, and being drugged just to name a few. So if those are topics that are super sensitive to you and not something that you are mentally able to cope with them for that reason alone I really wouldn’t recommend this book to you. I would however if you can get past that aspect of the book it is a really good book and if there was another one with Other characters from the book I would totally pick up the next one. I honestly think that I am going to pick up the other four in the series just because I’m curious about if the storylines connect. And I really just want to read more from this author, in general, I think they write amazing and the story itself I write it in two days so it was a quick read to get through I think the book is only about 300 Pages or at least that’s what it was for my iPad Edition I believe it’s also 300 Pages for the Kindle edition so overall I really did enjoy the book Where couple of topics in this book that were  taboo and the fact that the author writes about these topics so respectfully and it’s not super dark to where I couldn’t and the size with the characters. If you guys remember I did do a review over a book called gun-shy where I really was intrigued by the book but at the same time I was very conflicted about what I was feeling about that book it really did a number on me and I actually do still think of that book today. This book is not as dark as that book honestly I wouldn’t say it’s a super dark side dark element to it but it works with the story and the characters are great and I just like to read more.

If you guys do pick up this book let me know what you guys thought of it.

Rest of the Tour Dates

Sybil Bartel grew up in Northern California with her head in a book and her feet in the sand. She dreamt of becoming a painter but the heady scent of libraries with their shelves full of books drew her into the world of storytelling. She loves the New Adult genre, but any story about a love so desperately wrong and impossibly beautiful makes her swoon.
Sybil now resides in Southern Florida and while she doesn’t get to read as much as she likes, she still buries her toes in the sand. If she isn’t writing or fighting to contain the banana plantation in her backyard, you can find her spending time with her handsomely tattooed husband, her brilliantly practical son and a mischievous miniature boxer…

But Seriously?

Here are ten things you probably really want to know about Sybil.

She grew up a faculty brat. She can swear like a sailor. She loves men in uniform. She hates being told what to do. She can do your taxes (but don’t ask). The Bird Market in Hong Kong freaks her out. Her favorite word is desperate…or dirty, or both—she can’t decide. She has a thing for muscle cars. But never reply on her for driving directions, ever. And she has a new book boyfriend every week—don’t tell her husband.

To find out more about Sybil Bartel, be sure to follow her on Twitter (she loves to hear about your favorite book boyfriend!), visit her website, like her on Facebook or join her Facebook group Book Boyfriend Heroes for exclusive excerpts and giveaways.

Author links:


Thank you all for joining me here and I will part of Wonderland. Please do not forget to feed the unicorns on your way out.

Until next time

Much love


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Free Friday

Hello, wonderlandians. I feel like I am back in full swing! Better than ever. My giveaway was a really good success. Let’s keep that train going with a free book. You like free I like free. Only crazy people don’t like free.

What are you all doing this weekend? I am going wedding dress shopping and then spending Sunday with my family.

A French Girl in New York (The French Girl Series Book 1) by [Adams, Anna]

Maude Laurent is a spirited sixteen-year-old orphan who grew up in a small, provincial town in the north of France with a passion for piano and a beautiful voice.

One day in Paris, she is discovered by an American music producer who takes her to New York to live with him and his close-knit family while producing her first album, with help from teen pop star, Matt. Maude will dive into a new fascinating world discovering New York City, music, family, love and the truth about her past.

The French Girl series has sold 40,000 books! Join thousands of other readers who follow and love Maude Laurent’s adventures!


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Thank you all for joining me here in our little part of wonderland. Please don’t forget to feed the unicorns on your way out.

Until next time

Much love


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Top Three Thursday – Books That Take Place In Another Country

Hello, wonderlandians. How is your Thursday? I hope it’s going good. Today’s prompt comes to us from That Artsy Reader Girl.

Now I really like this topic. I find that I really don’t read to many books that actually take place in another country. Which strikes me as odd. This is really the only way I get to travel to these places.

Now all I can think about is how to segway into this next part of the post.

Image result for threadbanger gif lets get started

I have been watching way to much threadbangers lately! 


A Thousand Pieces of You (Firebird Book 1) by [Gray, Claudia]

This book actually takes places in many different countries through out the whole book. I really feel like I am part of the story and the culture of these places. This is one book I would really recommend.

Get the book here

A Thousand Pieces of You

2 – A Job From Hell

A Job From Hell (Ancient Legends Book 1) by [Scott, Jayde]

I have talked about this book before in another one of my Top Three Thursdays that one was all about freebies. This book takes place in Scotland. This book has everything that I love in a book. Vampires and every other creature of the night.

Get the book here

A Job From Hell

1. Geek Girl 

Geek Girl by [Smale, Holly]

This books is so good and it takes place in England. The main character is so quirky. I love it.

Get the book here

Geek Girl

Thank you all for joining me here in out little part of wonderland. Please don’t forget to feed the unicorns on your way out.

Until next time

Much love


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Cover Reveal – Hard Love

Hello, wonderlandians. Cover Reveal. This looks like the kind of book I need to read right now.

Hard Love
Shana Vanterpool
(Guns & Ink #2)
Published by: Swoon Romance
Publication date: May 22nd 2018
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance

When two people in pain collide, there is something intoxicating about drowning in the chaos of hard love.

Brando Hawkins is a detective with the Denver Police Department. The world should be his to take. He’s a dedicated officer with a promising career. But Brando’s got secrets. Dark, ruthless secrets. At twenty-six, he’s burned-out, and the sight of another body, one more unhappy ending, might just do him in.

Catherine Abbott is a woman who wars with her demons and guards her heart. Immersed in a world where people ink their lives on their skin, Catherine trusts only that which she can see. And, as a rape survivor, she finds comfort in control.

But Brando’s demons start to tangle with hers. They’re dangerous, like hers. But they’re beautiful too.

A spray of bullets brings them together, and the pain of their pasts collide with the lure of their futures. Cat wants to mend his heart and his wounds, but Brando’s secrets lay tucked away in a vault so tightly sealed, she can’t get through.

Everything around them is covered in the confusion of love and the burn of revenge, but no one ever said love was easy.

Hard Love is the next standalone installment in the Guns & Ink series by Shana Vanterpool, a world of tattoos, love, and redemption from Swoon Romance.

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Author Bio:

When I walk into a book store I feel at home. When I smell the pages of a brand new book things make sense. When I read I am who I always wanted to be. I read to escape and I write so others can as well. My family, my actress dog Bella, coffee, and a steamy love story are a few of my most precious things.

Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter



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Thank you all for joining me here in our little part of wonderland. Please don’t forget to feed the unicorns on your way out.

Until next time

Much love


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Cover Reveal – Lucifer’s Pride

Hello, wonderlandians. This was suppose to go up on Saturday. I’m so sorry to Xpresso Tours. This book looks so good!

Lucifer’s Pride
G.P. Ching
(Soulkeepers Reborn, #3)
Publication date: May 29th 2018
Genres: Fantasy, Paranormal, Young Adult

No one comes between the Devil and his pride.

To save his friends, Finn Wager opened a bridge between worlds. But the dark magic he used exacted a terrible price. Unable to remain on the Soulkeeper team, he joins a coven of magicians in New Orleans, vowing to undo the damage he’s caused. But when he tries to save the day, he ends up making everything worse.

Numbers dwindling, the Soulkeepers are more vulnerable than ever. The new Healer is reluctant to replace Hope on the team. Even if he decides to try, he’ll have to pass an initiation by the Immortals with life or death consequences. Meanwhile, the Soulkeepers are without the leader they need.

Twice, the Soulkeepers have evaded Lucifer’s clutches and injured his pride. Now it’s personal. He’ll stop at nothing to exploit their weaknesses, take back his power, and end the Soulkeepers for good. Unless through courage, loyalty, and self-sacrifice, they can find a way to become a team again.

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For more information and preorder links visit:


Author Bio:

G.P. Ching is a USA Today bestselling author of science fiction and fantasy novels for young adults and not-so-young adults. She bakes wicked cookies, is commonly believed to be raised by wolves, and thinks both the ocean and the North Woods hold magical healing powers. G.P.’s idea of the perfect day involves several cups of coffee and a heavy dose of nature. She splits her time between central Illinois and Hilton Head Island with her husband, two children, and a Brittany spaniel named Jack, who is always ready for the next adventure.

Join her VIP list to receive a free story and be eligible for specials and perks!

Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / Bookbub



Thank you all for joining me here in our little part of wonderland. Please don’t forget to feed the unicorns on your way out.

Until next time

Much love


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The Winner

Hello, wonderlandians. Today I am annoucing the winner of my givaway. Congrats to OneMoreChap.

Thank to everyone that left a comment. I want to hold another giveaway soon. I just don’t when.

Thank you all for joining me here in our little part of wonderland. Please dont forget to feed the unicorns on your way out.

Until next time

Much love


Book Review – The Haunting of Hattie Hastings Part 1 and 2

Hello, wonderlandians. I hope you guys had an amazing Saturday and I know that this review is coming up super late tonight which I am completely sorry for. Let’s just jump right into this review.

Quick disclaimer I am doing 2 reviews in this post and that’s will be of part one and part two of this book series called The Haunting of Hattie Hastings. The first book I did purchase myself and the second book was given to me for a review. everything in this review is going to be absolutely honest. So without further Ado let us talk about the first book.

But first y’all know that we got to talk about these two different covers. They are very aesthetically pleasing to look at. When I look at the book and intrigues me and it wants me to buy it. Honestly I’ve been really into the simple cover look lately. If a designer can take an author’s concept and put it into a very simplistic design and get the point across on what that book is going to be about I think they nailed it. In all honesty I’m both of these covers are amazing.

Image result for hattie hastings

Image result for hattie hastings

I went into this book very excited about the content. I love short stories that I can read within a short amount of time. While I was on Amazon it said that the time was just a little over 3 hours. So I was super excited I have been having a really bad reading month in terms of books I want to finish. I really do think I overdid it in January and just burnt myself out a little bit. so I love anything that has to do with ghosts the supernatural or the Paranormal. I thought that this could be right up my alley. Unfortunately, I’m going to have to say that I ended up giving this part two star rating. I really did enjoy the overall writing style and the dialogue of this book. Since this book though is 90 pages long I felt there was a lot of information being thrown at the reader that was probably a little unnecessary. with all the extra information I really feel that the book could have been a little bit longer. When dedicating the whole chapter to somebody’s backstory really, in my opinion, wasn’t the best option. I feel but some of the backstories just weren’t needed for the short amount of pages that this book was. So I would have been a lot happier if it was longer.

My favorite characters in this book are definitely Hattie and her husband Gary. I love their Dynamic. Hattie really reminds me of an old 40s or 50s Housewives. She does have a job at a coffee shop which is really cute. I can definitely say that the coffee shop it would be somewhere I would want to go take a book and read. Hattie Really hates any kind of profanity and they have a swear jar in their kitchen. not saying that Hattie is an anyway uptight she’s just not as go-with-the-flow other husband is.

the one thing I really love about Gary himself is that he adores his wife. Unfortunately, Gary ended up losing his job so he’s kind of become a stay-at-home dad in a way. One night Daddy comes home from work and she is trying to clean up the house because their son Johnny who has recently dropped out of school is kind of a slob. So Hattie Picking up the house and she’s getting ready to take the garbage out when Gary tells her that she’s been working all day that she should just go upstairs take a shower and just relax and he will take the garbage out for her. While Hattie Is upstairs getting ready for bed Gary takes out the garbage and all Hattie here’s is something crashing into her husband. So Gary and the dying and good majority of the book is Hattie grieving the death of her husband. Then out of the blue Gary shows up and is back from the dead. So chaos ensues and how do you trying to convince her best friend cat that her husband is back. Since this book is super short I don’t want to go too much into it because you know spoilers.

So let’s get on with the second part of the book.

So I’m currently about 41% through the second part of the book. And I have to say a lot of the chapters not a lot of three or four I did scam so far. I find this book does tend to jump around a lot from character to character to character. This book is written in third person so well I can understand and appreciate the author wanting to fit in as much information as possible and with third person you’re able to jump from character to character. Honestly I feel that it really doesn’t work out in this particular situation I feel like that I’m missing a lot of different information. Although I have to say the consistency between both is actually really amazing. The dialogue is on point. Hattie and Gary are two of my favorite characters.I can say that this particular part of the story has a emotion factor to this. This part is really pulling at my Heartstrings. So while I do think that those parts one and two do have a lot of information that for something that is so short could have been put into something longer this author really does know how to really pack a punch when it comes to the emotional side of a story. That is one thing that I admire about any author. If an offer is going to write a somewhat kind of novella and yes I do consider these to be novellas and they can entice from me a very strong emotional response than the author and my opinion has done their job. I will update you guys when I have fully finished the book. Okay so to be completely honest I did end up giving the rest of the book. Really only stopping to read main plot points and dialogue. Honestly, I’d have to give this entire series that I’ve read so far are two stars. Maybe a two and a half because the author is really good at pulling at my heartstrings as I’ve already said. This is what saying just because I skimmed it wasn’t a good read. I was laughing and I shed some tears. I have found with a lot of the books that I’ve been reading lately I’ve tended to skim read things that I really didn’t feel worse about important or there was just way too much description. When I come to a book that I like it’s got to be very character-driven and dialogue-driven. If it’s just moving through a plot which this book does I find that a kind of loses my attention a little bit and I have to skim over those beds but I’m really good at picking up the really important parts did carry me on to the next story. I did enjoy this story or at least this part a lot better than the first one. So I’m actually really excited to see what part 3 has to offer.

I know that this particular is in a different format than my other reviews as I did get him a lot of this book. It just kicked around a lot I would definitely end up recommending this book to anybody who likes quick, short, and funny reads. I will definitely be purchasing the third part when it comes out just to see how this comes to a conclusion. The ending to this Does end on a cliffhanger but I find one it’s one that I like and intrigues me to get to the next point.

I really do hope that you guys enjoy this review I  strive to be completely open and honest in every review that I do on this blog and this was no exception. So I do have a question do you guys skin books if there’s a slow part or the part of the book that’s just about capturing your attention? Please leave me a comment down below so that way I know I’m not the only one who does this.

Thank you all for joining me here in our little part of Wonderland. Please don’t forget to feed the unicorns on your way out.

Until next time

Much love


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Blog Tour – With This Man

Hello, wonderlandians! I cannot even begin to explain to you how excited I am to be on this blog to her. I found this series 4 years ago. That is insane to me. Jody Wright such emotional books. I remember when I read the first book in the this man series I had to literally take a 3 month break before reading the second book. And then I think it was even longer before I could even got into the third book. This book series will take you on an emotional roller coaster. I thought she was done with three book but here we are Fourth installment of the series. I am so excited to get back into this world and with these characters. One thing I have always said about this book series is that anybody who loves Fifty Shades of Grey is in for a real treat. This book is so much more emotionally investing  I feel like. This book takes you on the roller coaster with them. I have yelled, cried, screamed, and laughed with these characters. I am super excited To get back on Jesse cloud nine. So go pick up the first three books in the series if you haven’t read them and if you had y’all there’s a fourth book go get it. What’s even more exciting is that the first three books have been option to be turned into a TV series by PassionFilx. Which is insane. In the words of Jesse himself 3, 2, 1, ZERO baby .

With This Man by Jodi Ellen Malpas
Series: This Man #4
Publication Date: March 20th, 2018
Genre: Contemporary Romance


Jesse Ward is back in the newest novel in the Sunday Times and New York Times bestselling This Man series!

Life is good for Jesse ‘The Lord’ Ward. Perfect, actually. He still has the charm, he’s in great shape, and he still reduces his wife, Ava, to a pool of desire with a mere look. He’s in full control, just how he likes it.

But Jesse’s perfect world falls apart when a terrible accident lands Ava in hospital with a life-threatening head injury. Devastated and angry, he feels like his entire existence hangs in the balance. He cannot survive without this woman’s love. So when she finally comes around, his shaking world begins to level out. But his nightmare doesn’t end there. It’s only just begun. Because his wife can’t remember the last sixteen years of her life. That’s all of him. All of their time together. He is a stranger to her.

Now Jesse must do whatever it takes to find her memories . . . and help her fall madly, passionately in love with him all over again.

WTM-AN (2).jpg

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About the Author:

Jodi Ellen Malpas wrote her debut series, The This Man Trilogy, in secret, worried about what people might think if they knew what her imagination was capable of. She was shocked herself. But she finally found the courage to unleash her creative streak and self-published THIS MAN – the first book of the This Man Trilogy – in October 2012. She took a chance on the story with a hero who soon became one of modern day fictions most prolific alpha male characters. Jesse Ward – also affectionately known as The Lord of The Manor, sparked incredible reactions from women across the globe and catapulted Jodi into the world of women’s fiction.

Jodi went on to self-publish the second book in the trilogy, Beneath This Man in Jan 2013, just before Grand Central Publishing, part of the Hachette Book Group, picked up the popular trilogy and the unknown Jodi. The third book of the trilogy, This Man Confessed, took Jodi to the top of the bestsellers lists, earning her the proud title of #1 New York Times Bestselling Author. This Man has since been voted one of the top romance novels of all time.

With so much love, enthusiasm and a thirst for her words from her readers, Jodi suddenly wasn’t afraid of her imagination anymore. She went on to write The One Night Trilogy with the delectable and mysterious Miller Hart, and stole the hearts of her readers once again. Her first stand-alone novel, THE PROTECTOR, released in September 2016 and has since been nominated for a Reviewers’ Choice Best Book Award. Jodi’s next stand-alone novel. THE FORBIDDEN, is set for release in August 2017.

All seven of her published novels have hit the New York Times best sellers list – as well as the Sunday Times list and various international best seller lists. Her work is now published in over 24 languages across the world.

Jodi was born and raised in the Midlands town of Northampton, England, where she lives with her two boys and a beagle. She is a self-professed daydreamer, a mojito addict, is famous for her obsession with Converse, and has a terrible weak spot for Alpha Males. Writing powerful love stories and creating addictive characters has become her passion – a passion she now shares with her devoted readers.

Connect with Jodi:





As always thank you guys for doing me here in our little part of a Wonderland. Please don’t forget to feed the unicorns on your way out.

Until next time

Much love


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ReRead-A-Thon 2018 + Giveaway! (Closed)

Hello, wonderlandians! I am so excited for today. I am the featured blogger for years reread-a-thon 2018 I am so excited. When Murphy had announced that she wanted to organize a read-a-thon I knew I had to jump on it. Rereading books is not something that I typically get to do. So this week my main focus was to reread two books in two different formats. That’s what today is a topic is all about rereading old favs but in a new edition. So I have been throughout the week and reading or rather listening to Vampire Academy. That is my favorite serious and today I will be rereading Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein. This is amazing and I love it so much.

So how is everybody going on through this read-a-thon? I hope everybody is doing amazing and rereading all of their favorite books. The great thing about today is that I am doing a giveaway. This giveaway is going to be going on for 24 hours. so this post went up 12 a.m. eastern standard time and the giveaway will go until 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. And what is the awesome prize I am giving away a $25 Amazon gift card so you guys can get one or two books?


I did in my madness Monday kind of weave instructions on how you guys could enter this giveaway. I am going to tell you guys again what you need to do to enter this giveaway. Just leave a comment telling me what has been your best-reread experience. I am not going to be replying to any of these comments for the rest of the day. I will reply afterward. I will be picking the winner randomly and I will be needing an email address for the gift card. Reason being is because I’m doing an electronic gift card so it will be sent via email. Also if you are under the age of 18 please make sure that you do get parents permission as I don’t want to get anybody in trouble. Also, if you guys are not comfortable with leaving me your email address please leave me your Twitter handle, your Instagram name, or your blog so I can reach you through either DM or through your contact information on your blog. So that way it can be a little bit private if you want it to be.

I do know that things for me have been super hectic this week so that’s why I’m behind in my reading I am planning on turning the last day of the read-a-thon into a 24 hour readathon I have been vlogging a little bit of my experience with a 24-hour read-a-thon and that should be up on my YouTube page. I don’t post a lot but I think I’m going to start posting vlogs.

Dont forget to check out the other two giveaways

Featured Instagram: @bookgoil

Featured Booktube:

I also want to say that this Blog has hit a hundred and four followers. What?! That is insane to me and I want to say a big huge thank you to all of the Wonderland Ian’s out there that have supported this blog. We’ve grown so much in such a little amount of time. Our little part of Wonderland is growing every single day. The unicorns are throwing a party I am telling you the truth.

Image result for Thank you gif

Image result for dancing disney gif

Good luck to everybody when it comes to this giveaway I’m rooting for all of you and I will see you all next time

As always thank you guys for doing me here and I little part of Wonderland that is growing every single day. Please don’t forget to feed the unicorns on your way out they are celebrating our Milestone by giving free rides to everybody. And at a rare sighting, the mermaids have service than it is now Springtime. So mermaids and unicorns will be together for the next 6 months.

Until next time

Much love



Top Three Thursday – Books I Can’t Believe I’ve Never Read

Hello, wonderlandians! How is your morning? Mine is great I have started my day out with the unicorn Fappuccino cousin the cystle ball fapp. Let my say this is the one time I will say something is better than a unicorn. It’s peachy and will brighten up your day. I am sad to say that it’s limited edition and goes away in four days.

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See it looks amazing! Now onto the magical books that I have yet to read. Got the prompt from The Broke and The Bookish.

3 – A Series of Unfortunate Events

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I have only read the first book in the series and have watched the movie. Which I thought was really good.

2 – Shatter Me Series

Image result for shatter me series transparent

I have not even finished the first book. Everyone and their mother loves these books.

1 – Bloodlines 

Image result for Bloodlines Richelle Mead transparent

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This is the hardest for me to admit. This world is so much fun. I love VA or Vampire Academy with all my heart. I’m having the hardest time getting through these books. I am on number two.

What are some books you have not read?

Thank you all for joining me here in our little part of wonderland. Please don’t forget to feed the unicorns on your way out.

Until next time

Much love

