Free Friday

Hello, wonderlandians. It’s Friday and I feel well let me show you

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This brings a whole new meaning to the saying I JUST WOKE UP LIKE THIS. Really though I scare small children.

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The one thing that can perk me right after a long night ruling the underworld. I know I don’t talk about that part of my life much at all. It’s still a new development. Lots of overthrowing of other rulers. A girl gets tired ok. I will have a full update at some point as well as my ruling of the sea. What can I say I want rule all of the “mythical” places. We know they are real.

What is that one thing you might be asking? Free Books.


Nothing is safe around Kristyl Barnette. Windows break. Books rocket across the room. Lights flicker. Strange occurrences follow the sixteen-year-old everywhere. She’s an outcast at her school, but everything changes in the blink of an eye.

When tragedy forces her to move to the small town of Clearwater, Michigan, with her estranged aunt Jodi, Kristyl tries to leave her past behind. She makes friends and catches the attention of Owen Marsh, who accepts her without question and who may be able to understand her better than anyone.

But Owen isn’t the only one who notices her. The mysteriously alluring Fox Holloway draws Kristyl’s eye whenever he’s around. And Clearwater High’s chief mean-girl, Crystal Jamison, has her sights set on Kristyl and will stop at nothing to prove what Kristyl really is.

A witch.

Magic can be as dangerous as fire, and Aunt Jodi wants Kristyl to have nothing to do with it. But when a mysterious illness threatens her aunt’s life, Kristyl will do anything to cure her. Enlisting the help of witches could save Jodi, but is dealing in magic worth the consequences?

I would really recommend the audiobook to this. It’s really good and a quick listen.





Here are just a few places you can get the book. It’s a great story so check it out.

Thank you all for joining me here in our little part of wonderland. Please don’t forget to feed the unicorns on your way out.

Until next time

Much love

