Monthly Wrap Up – May


Hello, wonderlandians. May is over! How is it June already? This year is like half over. Since we are at the end of the month than that means it is time for my monthly wrap.

A CLEAN SWEEP is a laugh-out-loud tale of love, lies and second chances.ACleanSweepcover (1)

Love comes around when you least expect it. Fifty-something widow Emily isn’t expecting romance. Nor is she expecting a hunky twenty-something chimney sweep on her doorstep.
Daughter Tabitha knows something isn’t quite right with her relationship, while her boss – Abba-loving Meryl – thinks she’s found the real deal. Are they both right, or pursuing Mr Wrong?
Emily’s sister, Celeste, has the perfect marriage … or does she? Can a fitness tracker lead her down the path to happiness or heartbreak?
Susan is single, overweight and resigned to a life of loneliness. There was the one who got away but you don’t get another try, do you?
Prepare for a rollercoaster ride of emotions in a book that will grab your heart, make you smile and wish you had a chimney to sweep.


Now in my post I did talk about the covers. I understand the need for different colors but when the covers are a variation of the original then I really don’t understand the point. Now there is one cover that if a little bit different. The model on the cover has a re thing flag wrapped around her. I personally really like this cover the most. If I were to see this one in a bookstore her that would be the one I would gravity thoughts. I think the are a really simple design for the cover and for this type of book I think that the more simple to book cover the better.
Rylee Thomas is used to being in control. But she’s about to meet the one man
that just might make her enjoy losing it…

I am the exception to the rule.

In a world full of willing women, I’m a challenge to the roguish and achingly handsome Colton Donavan. A man used to getting exactly what he wants in all aspects of life. He’s the reckless bad boy constantly skating that razor thin edge toward out of control, on and off of the track.

Colton crashes into my life like a tornado: sapping my control, testing my vulnerabilities beyond their limits, and unintentionally penetrating the protective wall around my healing heart. Tearing apart the world I rebuilt so carefully with structure, predictability, and discipline.

I can’t give him what he wants and he can’t give me what I need. But after a glimpse beneath his refined exterior into the dark secrets of his damaged soul, can I bring myself to walk away?

Our sexual chemistry is undeniable. Our individual need for complete control is irrefutable. But when our worlds collide, is the chemistry enough to bring us together or will our untold secrets and battle of wills force us apart?




What happens when the one person you never expected suddenly happens to be the one you’ll fight the hardest to keep?

Colton stole my heart. He wasn’t supposed to, and I sure as hell didn’t want him to, but he crashed into my life, ignited feelings within me that I thought had died forever, and fueled a passion that I never knew could exist.

Rylee fell out of that damn storage closet and into my life. Now I don’t think I’ll ever be the same. She’s seen glimpses of the darkness within me, and yet she’s still here. Still fighting for me. She is without a doubt the saint, and I am most definitely the sinner.

How is it the one thing neither of us wanted—neither of us anticipated that fateful night—has us fighting so hard to keep?

He steals my breath, stops my heart, and brings me back to life again all in a split second of time. But how can I love a man who won’t let me in? Who continually pushes me away to prevent me from seeing the damaged secrets in his past? My heart has fallen, but patience and forgiveness can only go so far.

How can I desire a woman who unnerves me, defies me, and forces me to see that in the deep, black abyss of my soul there’s someone worthy of her love? A place and person I swore I’d never be again. Her selfless heart and sexy body deserve so much more than I’ll ever be capable of giving her. I know I can’t be what she needs, so why can’t I just let her go?

We are driven by need and fueled with desire, but is that enough for us to crash into love?




When life crashes down around us, how hard are we willing to fight for the one thing we can’t live without, each other?

Life is full of moments.
Big moments.
Little moments.
And none of them are inconsequential. 
Every single moment prepares you for that one instance that defines your life. You must overcome all your fears, confront the demons that chase you, and cleanse the poison that clings to your soul or you risk the chance of losing everything.

Mine started the minute Rylee fell out of that damn storage closet. She made me feel. Made me whole when all I thought I could ever be was incomplete. Became the lifeline I never knew I needed. Hell yes, she’s worth the fight…but how do you fight for someone you know you don’t deserve?

Love is full of ups and downs.
Heart stopping highs.
Soul shattering lows.
And none of them are insignificant.
Love is a racecourse of unexpected twists and turns that must be negotiated. You have to break down walls, learn to trust, and heal from your past in order to win. But sometimes it’s the expected that’s the hardest to hold on to.

Colton has healed and completed me, stolen my heart, and made me realize our love’s not predictable nor perfect—it’s bent.And bent’s okay. But when outside factors put our relationship to the test, what lengths will I have to go to prove to him that he’s worth the fight?

Whoever said love is patient and love is kind, never met the two of us. We know our love is worth it—have acknowledged that we were meant to be—but when our pasts crash into our future, will the repercussions make us stronger or break us apart?


Review – Coming Soon


Aced (The Driven Series Book 5) by [Bromberg, K.]

Rylee and Colton’s ride continues…

One moment. Six years ago.

The night she made the world around me so much more than just a blur. Now it’s the catalyst that threatens to tear us apart.

Our happily was supposed to be ever after. So why do I feel like it’s slipping through my fingers?

How can one moment, when our world seemed so right, resurface and cause our perfect life to spiral out of control?

I can’t lose her.

She’s my checkered flag.


Review – Coming Soon

This is everything that I have read in the month of May.

Thank you all for joining me here in our little part of wonderland. Please don’t forget to feed the unicorns on your way out.

Until next time

Much love




Monthly Wrap Up – April

Hello, wonderlandians. Welcome to my April wrap up. This means we are in May. May people. I can’t believe it.

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April was a great month none the less. I was in a really bad reading slump in March. So the fact that I was able to read 9 books which are amazing. In the month of May, it’s going to be a crazy month. My little sister is going to be graduating from college. I turn 27 on the 14th.  May 5th I’m going to be seeing the Avengers the new one with the Russo Brothers who directed the film.

You’ll are here for the books I read in April.

1 – Fate and Fortune

Fate and Fortune by [Sherman, Julia]



2 – Feel Good 101

 Feel Good 101: The Outsiders' Guide to a Happier Life by [Blackery, Emma]


Review – Coming Soon

3 – Gabriel’s Rapture

Gabriel's Rapture (Gabriel's Inferno Trilogy Book 2) by [Reynard, Sylvain]


Review – Coming Soon

4 – Manhattan Millionaires Cinderella

Manhattan Millionaire's Cinderella (Harperimpulse Contemporary Romance) by [Chara, Sun]



5 – Challenged

Challenged (Vipers Creed MC#1) by [Michele, Ryan]



6- Razer’s Ride

Razer's Ride (The Last Riders Book 1) by [Begley, Jamie]


Review – Coming Soon

7 – Ravage Me

Ravage Me (Ravage MC#1) by [Michele, Ryan]


Review – Coming Soon

8 – Reaper’s Property


Review – Coming Soon

9 – The Ghost of Glendale

The Ghost of Glendale by [Kleinman, Natalie]



Thank you all for joining me here in our little part of Wonderland. Please don’t forget to feed the unicorns on your way out.

Until next time

Much love




Monthly Wrap Up – March

Hello, wonderlandians. I know this post is late but I really wanted to get it up for you. I love seeing what other have read throughout the months. It gives me so many books to put on my ever expanding TBR.

If you want to take a look at my other months



All of the books have been read.

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1 – The Dog Ate My HomeWork

The Dog Ate My Homework

2 & 3 – The Haunting of Hattie Hastings Part 1&2

Image result for hattie hastings

Image result for hattie hastings

4 – Callan

What was your favorite read of March? Let me know.

Thank you all for joining me here in out little part of wonderland. Please don’t forget to feed the unicorns on your out.

Until next time

Much love



Monthly Wrap Up – February

Hello, wonderlandians. I cannot believe that it is March. I feel like this year is just flying by and the year just started. So here are all of the books I read in the month of February.

1 – Have You Seen The Sleep Fairy? x2

No automatic alt text available.

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2 – Of Sea and Stone

Image result for Of Sea and Stone

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3 – Love You Forever

Image result for love you forever

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4 – #Prettyboy Must Die


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5 – Gun Shy

Image result for gun shy lili st germain

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6 – Little Mermaid

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7 – Spelled


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8 – Runes

Runes: A runes Novel (Runes series Book 1) by [Walters, Ednah]

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These are the books that I have read in the month of February. In total that makes 9 books. I read one of them twice but I still count it. I am so excited for the month of March. I am hoping to get more reading and get that count up.

How many books have you read last month?

Thank you all for joining me here in our little part of wonderland. Please don’t forget to feed the unicorns on your way out.

Until next time

Much love



Monthly Wrap Up – January 2018

Hello, wonderlandians! How are you doing? Can you guys believe that this month has gone by so fast. I am really excited with all of the reading that I got done in the month of January. I got 17 book read which is a new record for me. How many books did you guys read in January?

Everything You Do

25442154Get the book here



Evergreen (Mer Tales Book 2) by [Pandos, Brenda]


A kingdom on the brink of war.
A king on the fringes of insanity.
A family running for their lives.

Ash and Fin’s only desire is to be together and dive into their happily ever after, though their conflicting worlds work to pull them apart. Neither is ready to convert to the other’s life: become a human or a mer. Little do they know that somewhere in Natatoria a secret holds the fine fabric of everyone’s lives together. If the truth is discovered, Ash and Fin will no longer have the luxury of waiting. They’ll be forced to choose. But will it be for loyalty or love? Or will someone else make the choice for them if they can’t decide? Enter the watery world of treachery, greed, and the binding mer kiss as the story continues with Evergreen, book two of Mer Tales.

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Everlost (Mer Tales Book 3) by [Pandos, Brenda]


All Tatiana ever dreamt of was to be human.

With one kiss, Tatiana has discovered a love for a man she’d hated—the prince of Natatoria. Through the botched rescue attempt by her father against this union, an army of rebels has revealed their identity and intentions—treason. When the King is fatally injured, Azor takes things into his own hands and he will stop at nothing to get what he wants: to be king. Including killing Tatiana’s father.

Jacob had always been loyal to the crown, that was until his brother‘s banishment to die on Bone Island without an explanation. Invited to help on a mission with Jack, leader of the underground army, Jacob learns the truth about the kingdom and of Jack’s daughter, a girl with beautiful blue eyes and a heart of gold. Falling for her—a promised princess—wasn’t supposed to happen.

Caught between the bond and her family, Tatiana, the future Queen, must overcome the promise to fight for what’s right and uncover the truths of the past or all will become Everlost.

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The Fix Up

The Fix Up by [Ryan, Kendall]

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Dragon’s Lair

Dragon's Lair (Wind Dragons Motorcycle Club Book 1) by [Fernando, Chantal]

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The Bet

The Bet (Billionaire's Bed Vol. 1) by [Wilde, Mindy]


Bella is in Vegas for a girl’s weekend with her friends from college. Through a series of events she finds herself being used as collateral in a high-stakes game of poker. If she wins, her money will be doubled. If she loses, Bella will be leaving the game with a mysterious blue-eyed billionaire.

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Arrow’s Hell

Arrow's Hell (Wind Dragons MC, #2)

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Guilty Pleasures



How can something that’s deemed wrong, feel so right?

He’s moody and argumentative and as if that isn’t bad enough – he’s my stepbrother.

I shouldn’t have theses feelings about him, but sometimes the heart wants what the heart wants.

Spying on my stepbrother, Neal, from the treehouse across from his bedroom window has always been one of my guilty pleasures. But one night, after I caught a glimpse of him undressing, I’m sure I saw him wink. I never imagined that my feelings for Neal could be reciprocated, but maybe he’s not as unattainable as I always believed.

Neal can have pretty much any woman he wants so can he really want me?

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Tracker’s End



Tracker is everything I’ve ever wanted.

I see him. I’ve watched time change him.

I’ve been patient, but he still hasn’t noticed me. Not the way I want him to. The more time I spend with the MC, the more I understand.

When you want something, you have to take it. You have to fight for it.

And Tracker is more than worth fighting for…

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Rake’s Redemption



Rake is known for being up for anything, in and out of the bedroom. He’s wild, he’s deadly, yet quick with a joke or a stolen kiss. Known as the player of the WDMC, he loves women, the more the merrier. However, behind his womanizing façade, Rake hides the pain of losing his first love, Bailey. He hasn’t loved anyone since, and doesn’t think he ever will.

Seven years after their split, Rake and Bailey run into each other at the MC’s favorite club. Old wounds resurface, secrets are spilled…and passionate feelings are awakened. But they’ve each done things to hurt the other, hurt them too badly to get over it—haven’t they? Only when Bailey’s connection to Rake puts her in danger from another Club member does he realize that there’s nothing he won’t do to protect her—and claim her as his once again.

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Monster Prick

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Under Locke


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King of Wall Street



The king of Wall Street is brought to his knees by an ambitious bombshell.

I keep my two worlds separate. At work, I’m King of Wall Street. The heaviest hitters in Manhattan come to me to make money. They do whatever I say because I’m always right. I’m shrewd. Exacting. Some say ruthless. At home, I’m a single dad trying to keep his 14-year-old daughter a kid for as long as possible. If my daughter does what I say, somewhere there’s a snowball surviving in hell. And nothing I say is ever right.

When Harper Jayne starts as a junior researcher at my firm, the barriers between my worlds begin to dissolve. She’s the most infuriating woman I’ve ever worked with. I don’t like the way she bends over the photocopier – it makes my mouth water. I hate the way she’s so eager to do a good job – it makes my dick twitch. And I can’t stand the way she wears her hair up exposing her long neck. It makes me want to strip her naked, bend her over my desk, and trail my tongue all over her body. If my two worlds are going to collide, Harper Jayne will have to learn that I don’t just rule the boardroom. I’m in charge of the bedroom, too.

King of Wall Street is a sexy, standalone romance.

Get the book here

The Sexy One



Let me count the ways why falling into forbidden love is not my wisest move…

1. She works with me every single day.
Did I mention she’s gorgeous, sweet, kind and smart?
2. She works in my home.
Playing with my five-year-old daughter. Teaching my little girl. Cooking for my princess. Which means…
3. She’s the nanny.
And that makes her completely off-limits…But it doesn’t stop me from wanting her. All of her.


The other nannies in this city don’t call him the Sexy One for nothing. My boss, the amazingly wonderful single father to the girl I take care of every day is ridiculously hot, like movie star levels with those arms, and those eyes, and that body. Not to mention, the way he dotes on his little girl melts me all over. But what really makes my knees weak are the times when his gaze lingers on me. In secret. When no one else is around.

I can’t risk my job for a chance at something more…can I? But I don’t know how to resist him much longer either…

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Uncommon Lust



First short story branching off from the novel series ‘Stanley Swanson – Breed of a Werewolf’. When Natalie who is a werewolf falls in love with Gravakus which is a Dracklulis (not vampire) as a war supposedly is to one day happen, they make their way to a distant place of safety. What was not expected was having twins born regardless if Gravakus bit Natalie to save her life. Twelve short stories of each character of my choosing will follow to tie in with the novel. What Gravakus and Natalie did was uncommon and not expected in time of tragedy among the opposites.

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Stone Cold



I never thought I’d bury my brother.

Brian Hatcher has a lot of nerve, I thought I’d never see his face again.
He left the police force to join the Iron Tornadoes, the very gang my brother was investigating.

I hate him.
I should hate him.
I want to hate him.
He has turned his back on everything he used to stand for.
Yet I want him, even though he’s turned into a stone cold biker.

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Sinner’s Lust



My heart is as hard as my c*ck.

The day my wife left me, I swore I’d never love again.
I’d do one thing and one thing only: F*ck and leave.
F*ck and leave, f*ck and leave, over and over again.
Like a prayer, like a mantra.

As long as I could bury myself in some pretty little thing,
I could ignore the carnage she’d left in her wake.
But life has a funny way of forcing you to face that which you least desire.

A chance encounter, a woman in need of my help…
And of course, who is it?


That fickle b*tch.
That heartless whore.

I want to do to her body what she did to my heart:
Tear, plunder, destroy.
I want to wrench her hair back and make her scream my name.
I want to leave the imprint of my hand on her flawless skin.
I want to own her completely.

But she has shadows following close behind her.
Men who hunger for repayment in flesh.
They want her as badly as I do.

I have only one thing to say to them:
Too damn bad.

I will not rest until my lust is sated. 

Get the book here

Thank you all for joining me here in our little part of wonderland. Please don’t forget to feed the unicorns on your way out.

Until next time

Much love

