Audiobook Review – Heart Throb

He was just another dad at my daughter’s school. Another very hot, “former teen heartthrob” dad. One I couldn’t get involved with.

Lennox Reign was the hottest teen star, over 15 years ago. Now, he’s staring me daggers across the principal’s office.

Not my fault my daughter got in trouble the first day of school and I seem to have “bad mom” stamped on my forehead.

But now, not only do I have to see Lennox and his very grown-up body at school drop off, but we’re working together on the school bake sale.

If he could just stop being a brooding heart-breaker for like two seconds…

He says he wants to keep the past in the past and move forward with his life, but the closer we get and the more I uncover, the more I can’t help falling for the former actor.

The one who I know could easily break me.

And he will.


Don’t look at the disclaimer out of the way. I did receive a code for free in exchange for an honest review. This in no way hinders my personal opinions on this book as you guys know I am always straightforward and honest about how I feel about that. Now that that’s over with let’s get on into the review.

This is a new to me author. Magan Vernon was such a delight to read her book. Although the book is very short it’s 4 1/2 hours long. There is a a lot of content smashed into a very short time period. It typically I’m not a fan of super short audiobooks because I feel like an author is trying to put a full story into a short amount of time. I don’t feel like the author typically takes their time and the story is rushed.

I do believe that the author did a good job of telling the story in such a way that we got all of the information that was relevant. Do I feel like the story could have been expanded to make it longer absolutely. I thought that this was just going to be wrapped up in a nice little bow and everything would be done by the end of the book that is not the case if you’re not a fan of cliffhangers you will not be a fan of this book. But the second book is out so you can just automatically go and get the e-book or physical copy and read it for yourself. Let me tell you that is what I’m going to go do because this cliff hanger. It’s got me hungry I need to finish this duet. Am I sad that the audiobook for the second book is an out? That question is yes because as you guys know I do prefer audiobooks over all other forms. But we will be getting the e-book.

Magan‘s writing style is great. There’s a great ad in flow to her writing you can just sit down and get lost in this world. That’s what happened for me. When a book has the ability to take me away from my troubles are the stress from my day I know the author is doing their job. When the author is writing the dialogue because for me a story yes the setting and the descriptions are super nice but I’m very much dialogue focused. The author writes it in such a way that you feel like you’re part of that conversation. For me that’s what I look for I don’t want anything that feels forced or sounds weird to my ears. Does the Avenue and flow of natural conversation is what I like. And Magan gives me that in every single chapter. When it comes to the main character I absolutely love her she’s a single mom and I don’t read too many books about single moms and single dad’s. But I absolutely loved it so 10 out of 10 recommend this book to you.

Now when I first for the narrators name Hannah Baker. All I can hear in my head is welcome to your tape.

Anyway Miss Hannah baker is a new narrator to me as well. So we are getting a lot of firsts in this post. Hannah did such an amazing job and you guys know I’m very picky about my narrators. She had a really good range when it came to the voices. There weren’t too many because it was such a condensed time but for the characters that we did have it there was individual voices for each of them. Extra points for her pulling off little kids voices. She enunciate really well there were no other accents except a southern one and I thought she pulled it off really well it sounded truly authentic.

Since I’m not a sound engineer everything sounded good. I have no complaints they were new awkward pauses there was no background noise so all in all I think the engineers did a great.

Will you guys be checking out this book if you do leave me a comment to let me know? If you read this book what are you guys think about it leave me a comment?

Until next time

Happy reading

Much love


2019 Book Challenges

Hello, wonderlandians. Today we are talking all about those book challenges for this year. I have found a master list on GirlXOXO so if you want to see what the challenges are so we can be reading challenge buddies.

Related image

to defeat the huns…..

Okay I’m sorry I had to.

Here we go.

Number One


Hosted by Hot Listens and Caffeinated Reviewer

Challenge Details and Levels

  1. Runs January 1, 2019 – December 31, 2019. You can join at any time.
  2. The goal is to find a new love for audios or to outdo yourself by listening to more audios in 2019 than you did in 2018.
  3. Books must be in audio format (CD, MP3, etc.)
  4. ANY genres count.
  5. Re-reads and crossovers from other reading challenges are allowed.
  6. You do not have to be a book blogger to participate; you can track your progress on Goodreads, Facebook, LibraryThing, etc.
  7. If you’re a blogger grab the button and do a quick post about the challenge to help spread the word. If you’re not a blogger you can help by posting on Facebook or Tweeting about the challenge.
  8. Updates plus a giveaway will be posted twice during the year. The first update will be June 30, 2019, and the last update will take place on December 15, 2019.
  1. Newbie (I’ll give it a try) 1-5
  2. Weekend Warrior (I’m getting the hang of this) 5-10
  3. Stenographer (can listen while multitasking) 10-15
  4. Socially Awkward (Don’t talk to me) 15-20
  5. Binge Listener (Why read when someone can do it for you) 20-30
  6. My Precious (I had my earbuds surgically implanted) 30+
  7. Marathoner (Look Ma No Hands) 50+

I’m really excited for this challenge if you know me then you know I love me some audiobooks. I will be going for Marathoner (Look Ma No Hands). I want to get more reading done next year.

Number Two

Hosted by The Bookwyrm’s Hoard.


The rules are simple. Only (1) and (2) are mandatory.

(1) To count for the challenge, books have to be published before 2018 AND already be on your TBR list or pile. In other words, you don’t have to own the book. If it was on your want-to-read list when you signed up for the challenge, and it came out in 2017 or earlier, it counts… regardless of format (ebook, print book, audiobook) and how you acquired it.

Last year, I was asked about rereads. You can only count a rereads if (a) you haven’t read the book in the last 10 years, and (b) you can’t remember any more of it than you would learn by reading the publisher’s blurb. In other words, it should feel new to you. I know this is subjective, but bear in mind, this isn’t a rereading challenge. (There are other challenges for that.)

(2) Create a goals or sign-up post on your blog or wherever you usually post your reviews (e.g., Goodreads, LibraryThing, Instagram.) Please link back to this post! Then link your sign-up post below, where you see the “Add your link” button. (Please link the actual goals/sign-up post, not your home page.) You can set your own goal, and you can list the books you want to read this year, or leave it up to your mood at the time—as long as they are already on your TBR list when you sign up! You can sign up through December 1, 2019; after that, the sign-up link will be closed.

(3) Review the books you read, and post the links on the review linky (reachable through the top menu bar.) You can certainly do the challenge without writing reviews, but the review links are your entries for the year-end giveaway. Reviews don’t have to be long; a few sentences is fine. You can post them on Goodreads or LibraryThing if you don’t have a blog. Please link to your review itself (not to your blog;s main page, your profile, or the book’s Goodreads or LibraryThing page.)

(4) On or just after the end of the year, post a wrap-up post to let us know how you did! I’ll create a link-up post for the wrap-up posts, too. Again, this one isn’t absolutely necessary, but I hope you’ll do it anyway, just for the fun of looking back and seeing your accomplishment!

I’m excited for this one. It will allow me to get through the back list of books that I have been meaning to get to.

So these are the two reading challenges that I will be partaking in this year. Last year I think I went into deep with so many reading challenges.

Thank you all for joining me here in our little part of wonderland. Please don’t forget to feed the unicorns on your way out.

Until next time

Much love

Happy reading


Happy New Year!

Hello wonderlandians! We are here.

happy new year nye GIF by Hallmark eCards

I can’t believe that it’s already 2019. Where did last year go? I feel like it flew by. I also know that the last part of the year I didn’t really post much so for that I’m sorry. What can you look forward to in the new year? Lots of read-a-thons. Book challenges. Book Reviews. I might through in what I have been melting. I have gotten into wax melts and candles the last half of last year.

I will be vamping my blog for this new year so please bare with me while I get that underway. I want to give the blog a whole new look for this new year. I have started with some new graphics.

Look forward to another post coming to you soon. I will be talking about all of the book challenges I will be part taking in for this new year,

Thank you for joining me here in out little part of wonderland. Please don’t forget to feed the unicorns on your way out.

Until next time

Much love

Happy Reading
