Blog Tour – With This Man

Hello, wonderlandians! I cannot even begin to explain to you how excited I am to be on this blog to her. I found this series 4 years ago. That is insane to me. Jody Wright such emotional books. I remember when I read the first book in the this man series I had to literally take a 3 month break before reading the second book. And then I think it was even longer before I could even got into the third book. This book series will take you on an emotional roller coaster. I thought she was done with three book but here we are Fourth installment of the series. I am so excited to get back into this world and with these characters. One thing I have always said about this book series is that anybody who loves Fifty Shades of Grey is in for a real treat. This book is so much more emotionally investing  I feel like. This book takes you on the roller coaster with them. I have yelled, cried, screamed, and laughed with these characters. I am super excited To get back on Jesse cloud nine. So go pick up the first three books in the series if you haven’t read them and if you had y’all there’s a fourth book go get it. What’s even more exciting is that the first three books have been option to be turned into a TV series by PassionFilx. Which is insane. In the words of Jesse himself 3, 2, 1, ZERO baby .

With This Man by Jodi Ellen Malpas
Series: This Man #4
Publication Date: March 20th, 2018
Genre: Contemporary Romance


Jesse Ward is back in the newest novel in the Sunday Times and New York Times bestselling This Man series!

Life is good for Jesse ‘The Lord’ Ward. Perfect, actually. He still has the charm, he’s in great shape, and he still reduces his wife, Ava, to a pool of desire with a mere look. He’s in full control, just how he likes it.

But Jesse’s perfect world falls apart when a terrible accident lands Ava in hospital with a life-threatening head injury. Devastated and angry, he feels like his entire existence hangs in the balance. He cannot survive without this woman’s love. So when she finally comes around, his shaking world begins to level out. But his nightmare doesn’t end there. It’s only just begun. Because his wife can’t remember the last sixteen years of her life. That’s all of him. All of their time together. He is a stranger to her.

Now Jesse must do whatever it takes to find her memories . . . and help her fall madly, passionately in love with him all over again.

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About the Author:

Jodi Ellen Malpas wrote her debut series, The This Man Trilogy, in secret, worried about what people might think if they knew what her imagination was capable of. She was shocked herself. But she finally found the courage to unleash her creative streak and self-published THIS MAN – the first book of the This Man Trilogy – in October 2012. She took a chance on the story with a hero who soon became one of modern day fictions most prolific alpha male characters. Jesse Ward – also affectionately known as The Lord of The Manor, sparked incredible reactions from women across the globe and catapulted Jodi into the world of women’s fiction.

Jodi went on to self-publish the second book in the trilogy, Beneath This Man in Jan 2013, just before Grand Central Publishing, part of the Hachette Book Group, picked up the popular trilogy and the unknown Jodi. The third book of the trilogy, This Man Confessed, took Jodi to the top of the bestsellers lists, earning her the proud title of #1 New York Times Bestselling Author. This Man has since been voted one of the top romance novels of all time.

With so much love, enthusiasm and a thirst for her words from her readers, Jodi suddenly wasn’t afraid of her imagination anymore. She went on to write The One Night Trilogy with the delectable and mysterious Miller Hart, and stole the hearts of her readers once again. Her first stand-alone novel, THE PROTECTOR, released in September 2016 and has since been nominated for a Reviewers’ Choice Best Book Award. Jodi’s next stand-alone novel. THE FORBIDDEN, is set for release in August 2017.

All seven of her published novels have hit the New York Times best sellers list – as well as the Sunday Times list and various international best seller lists. Her work is now published in over 24 languages across the world.

Jodi was born and raised in the Midlands town of Northampton, England, where she lives with her two boys and a beagle. She is a self-professed daydreamer, a mojito addict, is famous for her obsession with Converse, and has a terrible weak spot for Alpha Males. Writing powerful love stories and creating addictive characters has become her passion – a passion she now shares with her devoted readers.

Connect with Jodi:





As always thank you guys for doing me here in our little part of a Wonderland. Please don’t forget to feed the unicorns on your way out.

Until next time

Much love


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