Indie Author Spotlight – Mystic Realms (A Paranormal World Novella)

Where did Lisa go for so long and why did she betray her friends? All questions will be answered in this exciting spin-off in the post apocalyptic Paranormal World Series.

Lisa Xu was just on the cusp of becoming a major style influencer when the supernatural apocalypse came and changed her life forever. Becoming a fairy and learning she’s a part of a special Six meant to save the world is so not what she signed up for. After losing yet another loved one to the chaos of the new world, Lisa takes an offer from an old friend to finally visit the Fae Realm as an escape.

However, there is more to this land than the marbled streets and sprinkled treats she was anticipating. Now Lisa must fight off a dark presence on her trail and make a decision that could devastate her life and those she left behind in the Human Realm. Top that off with a handsome Elven King out to woo her for sinister reasons and Lisa’s dream vacation has become more of a nightmare. This hairdresser from Jersey is so not cut out for this new world but she’s going to have to step up if she plans to survive.

Fans of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and The Originals will enjoy this magical tale filled with romance, Fae and adventure.

Thank you all for joining me here in our little part of wonderland. Please don’t forget to feed the unicorns on your way out.

Until next time

Happy reading

Much love


Indie Author Spotlight – Summer Magic (The Thorne Witches Book 1)

Life in a small town can be tough. It can be even tougher when you’re a witch whose magic regularly backfires. But Summer Thorne only wants one thing: to create the perfect sanctuary for unwanted animals. Nothing and no one is going to stop her. Not even the sexy sheriff who is determined to shut down her rescue center. And certainly not the laboratory where she illegally obtained her mischievous chimpanzee, Morty.

Sheriff Cooper Carlyle has one goal: to keep his town safe. That includes his stubborn neighbor, Summer, whether she wants him to or not. When the animals of Summer’s menagerie get loose and create havoc, he decides enough is enough. But things aren’t always as they appear, and Coop stumbles upon the secret the Thorne sisters have been hiding.

Coop and Summer discover Morty holds the key to unlock a twenty-year-old mystery surrounding the death of Summer’s mother. Now Coop is faced with breaking the law he is sworn to uphold in order to protect Summer and her beloved pet from a threat more dangerous than any of them imagined.

Thank you all for joining me here in our little part of wonderland. Please don’t forget to feed the unicorns on your way out.

Until next time

Happy reading

Much love
