Monday Madness

Hello, wonderandians. I hope you all had a great weekend. I celebrated Chanukah this weekend. It was fun and not something I have done in years. My mothers family is Jewish so when I was younger would celebrate. Today starts the first day of the smutathon. This is round two,. It was started by Riley Marie and Lainey. I will be making a vlog about how that is going. I have so much that I have to get done. One of my final projects is due by the end of this week.

Not a long post I know but I will be posting some later on today that I’m really excited about! So please stay tuned. 

Thank you for joining me here in our little part of wonderland. Please don’t forget to feed the unicorns on your way out, 

Until next time 

Much love 

Happy Reading 


Madness Monday – Life Update

Hello, wonderlandians. How are all of you doing? So I’m over three months in school. I know i have been gone from this blog for a while and only really posting sometimes. Well now that I have my school life figured out I’m back and better than ever. School have been driving me crazy but it’s important. 

I have been reading lots. I have a new tattoo. I want to end this year on a high note. In two days I have a special post coming. 

My wedding planning is coming along. I will take more about that in a later blog post. 

Hope all is well with you my wonderlandians. 

Until next time 

Much love 

Happy Reading 


TBRs And Why I Suck At Them

Hello, wonderlandians. Happy Monday and my first official day of posting on a regular schedule again. I have taken about a two week break from posting on this blog. I became so overwhelmed with everything going on personally. Also, I need to take a break to finalize everything for when I go back to school. So for my post back I thought it would be a good idea to write about my TBR problems. As fellow readers I am sure you have similar problems with them.

TBRs and why I SUCK at them

This has been a question that has plagued my mind for many years now.

1 –  I can’t stick to it.

Every time. I sweat it’t like I am allergic to my TBR. See I am mood reader so I my list usually consists of books that I could be in the mood for just based on books i have been reading at that time. When it comes time to actually read those books I have moved on to something new and the cycle starts all over again.

2 – Shiny New Book Syndrome

We all get new books. There are new releases everyday. I am one who loves e-books so there are releases everyday. This makes it really hard to stick to the TBR list I have made for that month. I want to read the new one that I have just bought. I have a theory that my unicorn children are putting magic on all of the new books that is where this syndrome comes from. This is still unproven. It’s a work in progress.

3 – Read-a-thons

There are so many that happen for the year. Most of them have a theme to them. Usually, I am really good at least sticking to the theme. However, when I make that TBR I am just never feeling the books that I have picked out. So I am never actually thinning out my TBR list.

4 – I just don’t like them

It’s true. I just don’t like them. I feel like I being restricted when I try to stick them. Now does this stop me from making them? No.

In fact I make them in hopes that one day I will actually stick to it.

So in conclusion my TBR is telling me…

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It would be right. I’m sorry TBR list. I really am. I will help cut you down one day.

How are you with TBRs lists?

Thank you all for joining me here in our little part of wonderland. Please don’t forget to feed the unicorns on your way out.

Until next time

Much love



Monday Madness

Hello, wonderlandians. Happy Monday. I hope everybody had a great weekend and that everybody got a chance to recharge and is ready for this upcoming week. I know for my weekend I was sick all weekend so I didn’t leave the house. My fiancé was sick all weekend sadly he had to work on Saturday. So I have not been on my blog at all this weekend so thank you everybody for who commented I will be getting back to you guys very soon. This week I work the weekend so my weekend will actually be one day again and then I believe next weekend the weekend of the seventh I will be driving out to Chicago to meet Richelle Mead. I will be driving a total of 11 hours to meet her. 5 1/2 hours there and then five and half hours back. So this is going to be an adventure I’m very excited. If I don’t end up going I will probably end up beating myself up. I do have to work on Sunday the next day for a few hours so I will be coming home going to sleep and then waking up and going to work for about three hours.

What are your upcoming plans for the next couple of weeks? Now I do have every intention of blogging my experience of meeting my favorite author. I will be doing a Vlogging over on the new IG TV. If you guys don’t know what that is that’s Instagram’s version of YouTube essentially. They let you do hour longvideos.

Thank you all for joining me here in our little part of wonderland. Please don’t forget to feed the unicorns on your way out.

Until next time

Much love


Monday Madness

Hello, wonderlandians. Happy Monday. Well I don’t know if it’s happy for you. For me it just means back to the work week.


How was everyone weekend? What are you guys reading this month?

So I have a question I saw in one of the groups that I am in on Facebook a topic that sparked my interested. So I wanted to talk about it here. Blog tours and reading for deadline. How does is effect your reading? I can’t say no. Now I have a back log of books to read from February. I keep signing up. I am very great full to everyone. I find myself overwhelmed. I find that I don’t want to read or blog. I did ask a similar question long ago in one of the groups that I am in.

What do you guys do? Let me know.

Thank you all for joining me here in out little part of wonderland. Please don’t forget to feed the unicorns on your way out.

Until next time

Much love



Monday Madness – Aladdin And WebToon

Hello, wonderlandians. I hope your weekend was a great! Now we are back to….

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I’m really sorry that I was not on here this weekend. I really was not feeling well on Friday and wanted to take the weekend to myself. Sunday thought I went to the play version of Aladdin. It was so good.

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I must say that the genie was my favorite part of the whole play. I love the way he put his own spin on the character while staying true to what Robin Williams did in the movie.

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This just makes me so happy. If yo guys get the chance to go see he play you have to.

So I have been obsessed with this app lately called WebToon. It is a website and an app that lets people publish comics for free. It’s a free and just all around awesome app. Right now my favorite comic is called Eggnoid. It’s on its third season on WebToons. The artist is so talented. He goes by the Archie the Redcat.  The story is so great.

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Photo Credit : Archie the Redcat 

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Photo Credit : Archie the Redcat 











Thank you all for joining me here in our little part of wonderland. Please don’t forget to feed the unicorns on your way out.

Until next time

Much love


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Monday Madness – #CockyGate

Hello, wonderlandians. Welcome back to another Monday madness.I have to say what madness has ensued over the weekend.

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You know I have been pretty busy over the weekend. I had an all day event at my moms work watching the Marvel movies. I will get that in a second because that was a total and complete cluster fuck OK. Then on Sunday I had to work and then I went to my fiancé is nieces first communion party.  I’ve had a pretty busy weekend. So I thought I would come home and decompress from this weekend by going through my social media. I was on Facebook and I came across a post and want to groups that I’m in  I saw a post about a romance author who  is trying to trademark or has already trademarked the word Cocky.  I didn’t even know that was something you could do. But I will get back to what is now being dubbed #CockyGate On Twitter.

First of all I do you want to talk about my marvel experience. So I’m Saturday I was supposed to go to the Russo Rama. This is going to be an event hosted by the Russo brothers who directed the Avengers: Infinity Wars. So everything was set and it was supposed to start at 1 o’clock. By the time all of us got down there there was a power outage. So the 9 1/2 hour than that I was supposed to go to ended up really only being about four hours. My family waited it downtown in Cleveland about 2 1/2 hours before we decided to go home and sort of without the power outage. We were supposed to watch all three of the movies the Russo Brothers directed of the Marvel movies. We only ended up seeing infinity wars and it was incredible. There was an awesome Q&A afterwards. The Russo Brothers We’re great in answering everybody’s questions. I had a really bad panic attack when we were at the movie so I decided that I needed to get up and kind of leave the theater a little bit. So I decided to stand in the little hallway leading into the theater but I could still see the entire movie. I got to stand next to one of the Russo Brothers for the whole rest of the movie. I honestly felt like I was kind of annoying him a little bit by all of my reactions. But he just smiled at me so.

Now I really want to get onto the topic of cocky gate. This is not going to be a post about really what’s going on with all of that I will I’m actually going to link an awesome article that Jenny Trout wrote. It goes way in depth about everything that’s going on with cocky gate at this point in time

This post really is to just kind of bring awareness to the situation. This woman from what it looks like is trademarking the word cocky and then sending out Cease-and-desist letters to authors telling them that they need to rename their book completely. If these others do not comply with the letter then she is going to take legal action and sue them. From everything that I’ve read about this situation she is trying to bully others into changing their titles with these emails. She’s trying to take money from people who have worked hard to create something or because they have a word in the title. Please go read the article by Jenny Trout it really does explain the whole situation that’s going on.

One thing that I have been noticing from this whole out rage is the fact that authors, bloggers, and readers are all coming together and trying to bring awareness to the situation and are offering love and support to these others that are being sent these emails by this author. So the book world has been set a flame by this one author and how is everybody responding they are responding with so much love and encouragement to the authors that are affected by this.

Jayne Changer came up with a list of books that have the word COCKY in the title so we can go show some love to these authors.

Cocky Books

Let me know what you guys think? Lets starts a conversation.

Thank you guys as always for joining me here in our little part of wonderland. Please don’t forget to feed the unicorns on your way out.

Until next time

Much love



Monday Madness – Up Coming Posts

Hello, wonderlandians. Happy Monday. I hope everyone has had a great weekend. I feel like every other post I am tell you I am in some sort of doctors office. Well I am currently sitting in the doctors office waiting to get x-rays for my knee and ankle.

Seriously, I feel like they should just give me a rewards cards for how much I am in the doctors office. Earn 5,000 points your next doctors appointment is free. Wouldn’t that be great? I think so.

Anyway, I really wanted to talk about they fact for the next two weeks I am so excited about two post for Monday Madness. I wanted to post one of them today but I didn’t get all of research done. This one post has been three months in the making. It’s going to be about book blog promotions.

Then the is one I am really excited about but I want to keep it secret for now. I will give you a hit though it has to do with book to movie adaption service.

I know I keep saying that I am so excited because it is the truth both of these post have a lot of research that I have had to do for these post. Ah!

Well this is all I have for today.

Thank you all for joining me here in out little part of wonderland. Please don’t forget to feed the unicorns on your way out.

Until next time

Much love




Madness Monday – BookShelves

Hello, wonderlandians! How was everyone’s weekend? I’m sorry that I did not post over the is weekend. I started a new part time job and it was my soon to be sister and brother – in – law’s birthday party. So photo shoots and laser tag over my weekend. Actually, let me show you what my weekend was like in gifs.

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Looks like I had a crazy week. I also got a new tattoo which I will Leave a picture so you guys can see when you called. I have now my fifth tattoos and I believe I will be getting my six tattoo within the next couple of months.

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Now I really wanted to do a post about my bookshelves. I recently just reorganized all of my bookshelves and I like how I did it but at the same time I’m kind of not liking it. I haven’t found a way to put these bookshelves the way that I want them. Technically what I use for bookshelves aren’t even bookshelves and I don’t know what they’re called but they’re like self storage space. Since I moved I have been using them as a bookshelf. And I just realized I have given away so many of my actual physical copies of books that I know that I’m never going to read. So I have now so much more space on those bookshelves. I also have a little collection of books in my bedroom. So I am currently in the process of decorating my entire apartment. When my fiancé and I first moved in I didn’t really decorate cuz I didn’t know how long we were going to end up staying in this specific apartment so I didn’t really want to start decorating and putting things up if we were just going to move in a year. It looks like we are going to be staying here for a couple of years so I’m excited.


What I really want to know from you guys is how you have organize your bookshelves. As well as what kind of bookshelves you guys have because I’m in the process of trying to find a book shelves. I like the storage space but I really want that to be more for like a display of like all of my favorite books. And then there’s the space in our bedroom that would be perfect for like a little reading milk or at least to have books there. So please let me know how you guys organize your bookshelves because I’m completely obsessed with shelfies lately.

As always thank you guys for joining me here in our little part of Wonderland. Please do not forget to feed the unicorns on your way out.

Until next time

Much love





Madness Monday – The Rising Author Tag

Hello, wonderlandians. Happy Monday! I am doing a tag today. I had no idea what I wanted to post. So you guys are getting two different tags this week. I don’t call this Madness Monday for nothing.

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Got this awesome tag idea from Lost in a Story. Go show her some love on her blog. It’s amazing.

As you guys know I am working on Project Odette. I’m very sorta hush hush about this project. Reason being is that this story is very close to my heart. It needs to be done in the right way. I feel like taking about it to soon will jinx me.

What is your current WIP about, and what’s its status? (ie. plotting, writing, editing, etc.)

Project Odette is about OCD and the struggles of living with it. I’m still writing and editing the stage.

Do you plot things out and/or outline, or just figure it out as you write?

With this project I have somewhat outlined. I have a list of all the chapters that I want to write about, but that is as far as it goes.

What are some book ideas you want to write in the future?

I would love to write a story about some Irish folklore. I have one in the process about mermaid and witches.

Out of the characters you’ve written so far, who are your favorites?

I have written some awesome characters that I have loved. The one that stands out to me is Max. I love him so much. He is protective over his sisters. He is the funniest character that I have ever written. He wields the element of earth. So when he gets in trouble or he forgets his sisters birthday he will show up with a diamond to make up for

What’s your writing routine, if any? (ie. snacks, music, time of day, location, etc.)

I usually am listening to a playlist that I have put together. I can write at anytime of the of the day. My everyday life is pretty busy. I work two jobs. So when I get the time is when I write.

Show your WIP’s aesthetic in images or words (or both)!

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What (or who) motivates you to write?

This story was motivated by the fact there are not enough stories about people and OCD.

What do you find is the easiest part about writing? The hardest?

I find that the easiest thing about writing is that once I have really good story idea I go in on it at full force. The hardest is writers block and never finishing the stories that I have started.

What genre will you never try, and why?

Contemporary. I don’t really read it.

Share a tiny (or large) snippet/excerpt of your writing, if you’re comfortable!

When I look at my childhood I see two very different scene play out before me.

Thank you all for joining me here in our little part of wonderland. Please don’t forget to feed the unicorns on your out.

Until next time

Much love

