Audiobook Review – Instinct The Elite, Book 1

Instinct audiobook cover art

I’m not like the vampires in your books, little girl. I’m not agonizing over my own soul or the ethics of drinking your blood. I don’t want saving or to find some great love that will alter my very existence. I’m not a monster. I’m the devil himself, and I have no problem playing that role. I take what I want, and right now, what I want is you. And there’s nothing you can do to stop me. 

The Elite is a PNR series of novelettes.

Book Review

Hanleigh Bradley tells a story of a girl who lives in London and loves vampires but what happens when her books become her reality? Hanleigh Bradley really knows how to spin a tale even in the shortest of time. I can say much about the books because it is so short. I will say this though you will be on a ride. One that you will not want to get off.

Debbie Soelter has the type of voice that keeps you listening. She was reading for both the male and female lead. I thought that she did a great job when it came to the female lead and an ok job when it can to reading for the male lead. She had to put on a British accent. This added depth to the story and this is the party that keeps you listening.

The sound quality was great and professional. There were no sounds gaps or awkward pauses.

This book was given to me by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Thank you all for joining me here in our little part of wonderland. Please don’t forget to feed the unicorns on your way out.

Until next time

Happy reading

Much love


Audiobook Review – Fear Me

Fear Me audiobook cover art

This isn’t another “I hate you because I secretly love you” story. Boy really does hate girl. And this isn’t just a forbidden love story. This is obsession at its darkest.

I don’t believe in fairy tales and Prince Charming.

I believe in fear.

He taught me how to be afraid.

We first met on a playground on a wonderful summer day. It was the first time he hurt me and it wouldn’t be the last. For 10 years, he’s been my tormentor and I’ve been his forbidden. But then he went away, and yet I was still afraid.

Now, he’s back, and wants more than just my tears. You see…he thinks I sent him away so now he wants revenge…and he knows just how to get it.

This book is a complicated one for me. There are many aspects of this book that does not sit well with me. It’s a dark romance. Typically when it comes to dark romances I do read the reviews 1st because I want a better understanding of why this book has really high ratings or why a book has low ratings. This audio book had some very high rating. It seems like the general consensus seems to really enjoy the book.

I want to give you a little look and to the process of my brain while taking notes for this audiobook review.
























So as you can see above that is my whole thought process while I was listening to this book. I have to put a big ass trigger warning because there is a lot of triggering things in this book. I may not get all of them but I will try my best so here we go manipulation, obsession, possession, rape, death threats, psychological warfare. I don’t know there was a lot to this book and I found it weirdly intriguing. This is a dark romance novel. The events that happen in this book are very unrealistic. I’m not even gonna go into the plot of this book again I had to take a very clinical approach to listening to this book. The author weaves a tale two high school kids. One wanted to see the other ones suffer. The main male character has a very messed up past. Which does lead to his actions of a threatening lake all the time. Now I’m not saying that what he’s gone through as an excuse for him to treat lake the way that he does. I’m just stating I can understand why he is the way that he is. Also there is child pornography in this book so if that triggers you please do not read this book.

Once again started reading comments on this book because when I first started listening to it it wasn’t at all what I thought it was. This is the type of book that needs trigger warnings. There is none so I am definitely going to have to deduct points from this because there is no trigger warning and there needs to be. So overall I’m gonna give the book about a two stars because of the content of the book it kind of was confusing but it intrigued me enough to where I did listen to the second book and I will listen to the third box because I have invested 22 hours into this book series that I might as well just goOnto reading the other three books. I really want to see where all of this ends.

Basically the gist of the story is lake moved to six Forks when she was eight years old she was on the playground trying to help this boy but the mail main character Kiernan decided that he hated this girl because of something that happened in his past. We basically torments her for 10 years and then he basically it’s on the way Juvenile detention on a drug charge he gets out he thinks lake is the one who set him up but the reality of the situation is lake did not set him up and so he is on a mission to take her virginity and basically break her.

He doesn’t really end up breaking her in all reality he ends up falling for her more so than he wants to. He wants to be this person who doesn’t give a shit about other people but sadly that’s not the case.

I have finished the second book for my review on that will be up in a couple of days. I want to say the redeeming quality of this whole novel was Eva Erickson. She is a fantastic narrator I love everything that she’s ever read. So I will continue to listen because I have a goal to listen to everything that she is narrated it so yeah

Thank you all for joining me here in our little part of wonderland. Please do not forget to feed the unicorns on your way out.

Until Next time

Happy reading

Much love


Audiobook Review – Marketville Mysteries Book Two

Audiobook Series Tour: Marketville Mysteries by Judy Penz Sheluk

Author: Judy Penz Sheluk

Narrator: Kelli Lindsay

Series: Marketville Mysteries, Book 2

Publisher: Judy Penz Sheluk

Released: Apr. 8, 2019

Genre: Mystery

Sometimes the past reaches out to the present. It’s been 13 months since Calamity (Callie) Barnstable inherited a house in Marketville under the condition that she search for the person who murdered her mother 30 years earlier. She solves the mystery, but what’s next? Unemployment? Another nine-to-five job in Toronto?

Callie decides to set down roots in Marketville, take the skills and knowledge she acquired over the past year, and start her own business: Past & Present Investigations.

It’s not long before Callie and her new business partner, best friend Chantelle Marchand, get their first client: a woman who wants to find out everything she can about her grandmother, Anneliese Prei, and how she came to a “bad end” in 1956. It sounds like a perfect first assignment. Except for one thing: Anneliese’s past winds its way into Callie’s present, and not in a manner anyone – least of all Callie – could have predicted.

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Judy Penz Sheluk is the Amazon international bestselling author of the Glass Dolphin Mystery and Marketville Mystery series. Her short stories can be found in several collections, including Live Free or Tri and The Best Laid Plans, which she edited. Judy is also a member of Sisters in Crime, International Thriller Writers, the Short Mystery Fiction Society, and Crime Writers of Canada, where she serves as Vice Chair on the Board of Directors. Find her at


Narrator Bio

Kelli Lindsay’s versatile style and years of experience with commercial, corporate and e-learning projects have created a dream career for her. She has lent her talents to TV, radio, video games, and various other fantastic projects, but she proudly admits that her true passion is narrating audiobooks. Her professional training has taught her how to put herself into the script or audiobook and deliver an incredible performance. With her professionalism and love for what she does, Kelli ensures that her clients and listeners get to hear exactly what they’re looking for!


Judy Penz Sheluk has once again pulled you into another great mystery. The first book only gave you a taste of what Callie could do. Also, the first book left you wanting to know more about her life. Judy does not disappoint. Callie is on a whole new adventure. One thing I love about this author is that you don’t get bored reading or listening to her books. She weaves a tale that you finish her books in one sitting. It takes a true artist to be able to do that. 

Now for this book there was new voice actress Kelli Lindsay. I believe Kelli is a new a voice actress to me. She as amazing. She really brings the story to life. Also, I love the way she spells her name. It’s my favorite way of spelling it. Kelli has a voice for every character. Range is something I look for when listening to a new actor or actress if the have a weak range then I most of time I DNF the book. Kelli did not disappoint. 

The whole production was amazing. There was not any background noise or weird pauses.

I received this audiobook as part of my participation in a blog tour with Audiobookworm Promotions. The tour is being sponsored by Judy Penz Sheluk. The gifting of this audiobook did not affect my opinion of it.


Giveaway: 5 Judy Penz Sheluk Audiobooks

Marketville Mysteries Giveaway: 5 Judy Penz Sheluk Audiobooks


Plugging you into the audio community since 2016.

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Audiobook Review – The Princess Pose

Audiobook Series Tour: Modern Royals by Aven Ellis

The Princess Pose

Author: Aven Ellis

Narrator: Andrea Emmes

Length: 21 hours and 8 minute

Series: Modern Royals, Book 2

Publisher: Tantor Audio

Released: July 24, 2019

Genre: Romantic Comedy

A modern princess. A charming commoner. Can they hurdle tradition to find true love?

Princess Elizabeth “Liz” of York isn’t interested in a fairy tale life. Determined to use her elite platform to champion children’s causes, she’d much rather raise awareness than find her prince. If only she could stop picturing one certain gardener with vivid hazel eyes….

When the relentless paparazzi invade her space, Liz’s crush comes to her rescue and steals her heart. Tossing aside centuries of tradition for something real, she takes Roman’s calloused hand and braces for the backlash. But after her progressive approach ruffles more than a few feathers, one member of the monarchy vows to keep the princess locked in her stylish but decidedly ivory tower.

Can Liz break through her birthright to find a powerful kind of love?

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Aven began her publishing career in 2013 with her debut release, Connectivity. She currently writes hockey and baseball romances as well as a modern royal romance series.

Her books are designed to make readers laugh out loud and fall in love. Happily-ever-after endings and good-boy heroes are guaranteed.

Aven lives in the Dallas area with her family. She is a huge fan of both the Dallas Stars and Texas Rangers. Aven loves shopping and fashion and can spend hours playing with fragrances in any department store. She can be found chatting it up on social media, eating specialty M&Ms, and crushing on the latest outfit the Duchess of Cambridge is wearing.


Narrator Bio

Best Selling, Award Winning Audiobook Narrator, Andrea Emmes was born in Hollywood, Florida, grew up in both Tennessee and Rhode Island and started her career in musical theatre. She’s enjoyed an eclectic career as a singer, dancer, Vegas Headliner, Magician’s Assistant, a Recording Artist and a Video Game Designer.

A total book nerd, Andrea, now enjoys narrating all genres of audiobooks, especially YA, LitRPG, Mystery, Romance, and NonFictionat her professional home studio in San Jose, CA.

Her wide range of character voices and dynamic/emotionally invested performances has reviewers and listeners alike commenting on how she effortlessly pulls listeners in and has versatility and charisma.

Fun Facts: Andrea has a Bachelor of Science in Game Art and Design; was a game designer for Disney Interactive; and gets her gamer-geek on playing games of all kinds!


Aven really knows how to tell a great story. I am absolutely loving this modern and day or royalty. It is taking the British monarchy and completely changing what we know about it. If the British Royal monarchy were ever going to take on a modern role in the world and let go of some of their traditions I would definitely hope that this will be the path that they’d take. It’s so fun reading these books. I’m really hoping that there is going to be more a. Out with I like a book about Prince Xander. The out there makes you wanna live in her world. Her writing is so pretty you just feel good while reading these books. 

The narrator I really enjoyed. Andrea does an amazing job. Her British accent for this a specific character Elizabeth was really nice to listen to. I will say though a where voices for males can be a little distracting and take you out of the story just a little bit but her fellow is really nice and you get sucked right back in period it on the fact that she was born in Hollywood of Florida and can pull off a British accent that while is amazing. There are just some narrators who can’t really pull off accents but she does it flawlessly.

The production and sound on this book were great!

I received this audiobook as part of my participation in a blog tour with Audiobookworm Promotions. The tour is being sponsored by Aven Ellis. The gifting of this audiobook did not affect my opinion of it.

Top 10 List

Aven Ellis’ Top Ten Literary inspirations
  1. Sophie Kinsella. The moment I started reading Confessions of a Shopaholic, I felt as though I had never read anything like it before. It was so funny, so vivid, so bright. I knew instantly that these where the kind of stories I wanted to write-ones with humor and heart. And that began my path toward becoming a romantic comedy writer.
  2. Georgette Heyer. I absolutely love her regency romances, in particular Sylvester and The Grand Sophy, which had me laughing out loud. Absolutely brilliant writing.
  3. Jane Austen. The way she weaves together a story is masterful. These are re-reads for me.
  4. JK Rowling. The fact that she had such strength and perseverance to follow her writing dream is truly inspiring.
  5. Maeve Binchy. She wrote the most beautiful descriptions and stories with so many layers.
  6. Julia Child. Her book Mastering the Art of French Cooking is a masterpiece. When you read her book My Life In France, you see what a monumental undertaking it was to write that cookbook and in this book, you feel like you are on the journey. I absolutely love both of them.
  7. Julia Quinn. Her Bridgerton series is a master class in laying out a series. How the plots are so thought out, so interwoven to lead to the next book, is brilliant.
  8. Margaret Mitchell. Gone with the Wind, need I say more? I love the way her plotting kept me turning the page.
  9. Helen Fielding. Bridget Jones’s Diary is humor at it’s best. She is another comedic inspiration for me.
  10. Emma MCLaughlin and Nicola Kraus, The Nanny Diaries. I still remember parts of this book, which made me laugh and made me sad. Most of all, I remember feeling it was totally unique and I loved that about their writing style.

Dream Cast

Aven Ellis’ Casting Picks for The Princess Pose


Giveaway: $25 Amazon Gift Card

Modern Royals Giveaway: $25 Amazon Gift Card


Aug. 25th:

Country Road Reviews

Viviana MacKade

The Book Junkie Reads . . .

Aug. 26th:

A Blue Million Books

KayBee’s Bookshelf, A Literary Blog

One Last Page Book Blog

T’s Stuff

Aug. 27th:

Author C.A. Gray

My Creatively Random Life

The Book Addict’s Reviews

Aug. 28th:

Valerie Ullmer | Romance Author

Locks, Hooks and Books


Aug. 29th:

Jazzy Book Reviews

Reading for the Love of Books

Audiobook Ebook Fascination

Aug. 30th:

What Is That Book About

Nesie’s Place

BookishOwlette (Review, Giveaway)

Turning Another Page

Aug. 31st:

Teatime and Books

Haddie’s Haven

Smada’s Book Smack

Dazzled by Books

Guilty Indulgence Bookclub


Sep. 1st:

Country Road Reviews

Dazzled by Books

Sep. 2nd:

Valerie Ullmer | Romance Author

The Book Junkie Reads . . .

KayBee’s Bookshelf, A Literary Blog

Sep. 3rd:

A Blue Million Books

One Last Page Book Blog

T’s Stuff

Turning Another Page

Sep. 4th:

Author C.A. Gray


The Book Addict’s Reviews

Sep. 5th:

Viviana MacKade

Locks, Hooks and Books


Audiobook Ebook Fascination

Sep. 6th:

Haddie’s Haven

Smada’s Book Smack

Reading for the Love of Books

Guilty Indulgence Bookclub

Sep. 7th:

Teatime and Books

Jazzy Book Reviews

My Creatively Random Life

Plugging you into the audio community since 2016.

Sign up as a tour host here.

Thank you all for joining me here in our little part of wonderland. Please don’t forget to feed the unicorns on your way out.

Until next time

Happy reading

Much love




Audiobook Review – My Last Chance

Author: Weston Parker

Narrators: Lacy Laurel

Length: 7 minutes 35 minutes

Publisher: BrixBaxter Publishing

Released: June 17, 2019

Genre: Romance

I’ve made lots of mistakes.

But never one like this.

Back in high school, the girl next door spent a serendipitous night in my arms. But she wasn’t my type or really up to my level.

So I walked away not knowing her secret—our secret.

Years later, I’m still at the top of my game, ruling my own chunk of the world.

She walks into my office a different woman. Strong, sexy, and dead set on revenge.

I need to walk away again, but I can’t. She’s a different person, and yet, all the things that first had me taking a chance with her pull me back in—deeper this time.

She’s going to wreck my life, one bad decision at a time, and fuck me, I’m going to let her.

The fact that the little man who calls her mom acts like me stops me in my tracks. He even loves the same things I do.

Surely not.

No damn way I’ve been a selfish bastard and haven’t considered the possibilities of our night together so long ago, but it’s true.

He’s mine, and I’m instantly in love with both of them.

I need one more chance, and I’ll do anything to get it.

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Hey there. I’m Weston.

I’m a former firefighter/EMS guy who’s picked up the proverbial pen and started writing bad boy romance stories. I co-write with my sister, Ali Parker as we travel the United States for the next two years.

You’re going to find Billionaires, Bad Boys, Mafia and loads of sexiness. Something for everyone, hopefully. I’d love to connect with you. Check out the links below and come find me.


Narrator Bio

After going to school to obtain her BS and MBA, then starting a rather large and boisterous family, Lacy Laurel dove back into literature in order to relieve stress and have a little “me” time. Once finding audiobooks and falling in love with performance all over again, she set her sights on learning the art of telling an interesting and exciting story. Naturally being the passionate person that she is, she gravitated towards romance and erotica. Lacy thoroughly enjoys getting to bring stories of passion, love, loss, hunger, and angst to life.


This book. OMG this book. Weston Parker knows how to write a very compelling book. This is the first book I have read from this author and it will not be the last. They way Weston crafts his story you are on the edge of your seat. His characters are relatable but complex. This is all about second chances and who is not here for that.

Lucy Laurel is a voice actress I have had the pleasure of listening to before. So listening to her again was such a joy. The second voice actor Gregory Salinas is new to me. I loved listening to him. When it comes to having two different voices actors. It really does ass to the story for me. Normally, one voice actor/actress never really stands out above the other for me. This time it Gregory Salinas. His voice was just so strong while Lucy voice is very soft.

When it comes to the overall performance I’m not sure if it was the app I was using or the audiobook itself it kept pausing on me. Which did take me out of the of the story. There were no weird sounds. I would say that they over all experience was a positive one.

I received this audiobook as part of my participation in a blog tour with Audiobookworm Promotions. The tour is being sponsored by Weston Parker. The gifting of this audiobook did not affect my opinion of it.

Jul. 14th:

Valerie Ullmer | Romance Author

Jul. 15th:

Jazzy Book Reviews

What’s Beyond Forks

Jul. 16th:

Lisa Loves Literature


Jul. 17th:

The Bookworm Lodge

T’s Stuff

Jul. 18th:

Audiobook Fascination

Jul. 19th:

The Book Junkie Reads . . .

Page Princess

My Creatively Random Life

Jul. 20th:

Momma Says To Read or Not to Read

The Book Addict’s Reviews

Teatime and Books

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Monthly Wrap Up – May


Hello, wonderlandians. May is over! How is it June already? This year is like half over. Since we are at the end of the month than that means it is time for my monthly wrap.

A CLEAN SWEEP is a laugh-out-loud tale of love, lies and second chances.ACleanSweepcover (1)

Love comes around when you least expect it. Fifty-something widow Emily isn’t expecting romance. Nor is she expecting a hunky twenty-something chimney sweep on her doorstep.
Daughter Tabitha knows something isn’t quite right with her relationship, while her boss – Abba-loving Meryl – thinks she’s found the real deal. Are they both right, or pursuing Mr Wrong?
Emily’s sister, Celeste, has the perfect marriage … or does she? Can a fitness tracker lead her down the path to happiness or heartbreak?
Susan is single, overweight and resigned to a life of loneliness. There was the one who got away but you don’t get another try, do you?
Prepare for a rollercoaster ride of emotions in a book that will grab your heart, make you smile and wish you had a chimney to sweep.


Now in my post I did talk about the covers. I understand the need for different colors but when the covers are a variation of the original then I really don’t understand the point. Now there is one cover that if a little bit different. The model on the cover has a re thing flag wrapped around her. I personally really like this cover the most. If I were to see this one in a bookstore her that would be the one I would gravity thoughts. I think the are a really simple design for the cover and for this type of book I think that the more simple to book cover the better.
Rylee Thomas is used to being in control. But she’s about to meet the one man
that just might make her enjoy losing it…

I am the exception to the rule.

In a world full of willing women, I’m a challenge to the roguish and achingly handsome Colton Donavan. A man used to getting exactly what he wants in all aspects of life. He’s the reckless bad boy constantly skating that razor thin edge toward out of control, on and off of the track.

Colton crashes into my life like a tornado: sapping my control, testing my vulnerabilities beyond their limits, and unintentionally penetrating the protective wall around my healing heart. Tearing apart the world I rebuilt so carefully with structure, predictability, and discipline.

I can’t give him what he wants and he can’t give me what I need. But after a glimpse beneath his refined exterior into the dark secrets of his damaged soul, can I bring myself to walk away?

Our sexual chemistry is undeniable. Our individual need for complete control is irrefutable. But when our worlds collide, is the chemistry enough to bring us together or will our untold secrets and battle of wills force us apart?




What happens when the one person you never expected suddenly happens to be the one you’ll fight the hardest to keep?

Colton stole my heart. He wasn’t supposed to, and I sure as hell didn’t want him to, but he crashed into my life, ignited feelings within me that I thought had died forever, and fueled a passion that I never knew could exist.

Rylee fell out of that damn storage closet and into my life. Now I don’t think I’ll ever be the same. She’s seen glimpses of the darkness within me, and yet she’s still here. Still fighting for me. She is without a doubt the saint, and I am most definitely the sinner.

How is it the one thing neither of us wanted—neither of us anticipated that fateful night—has us fighting so hard to keep?

He steals my breath, stops my heart, and brings me back to life again all in a split second of time. But how can I love a man who won’t let me in? Who continually pushes me away to prevent me from seeing the damaged secrets in his past? My heart has fallen, but patience and forgiveness can only go so far.

How can I desire a woman who unnerves me, defies me, and forces me to see that in the deep, black abyss of my soul there’s someone worthy of her love? A place and person I swore I’d never be again. Her selfless heart and sexy body deserve so much more than I’ll ever be capable of giving her. I know I can’t be what she needs, so why can’t I just let her go?

We are driven by need and fueled with desire, but is that enough for us to crash into love?




When life crashes down around us, how hard are we willing to fight for the one thing we can’t live without, each other?

Life is full of moments.
Big moments.
Little moments.
And none of them are inconsequential. 
Every single moment prepares you for that one instance that defines your life. You must overcome all your fears, confront the demons that chase you, and cleanse the poison that clings to your soul or you risk the chance of losing everything.

Mine started the minute Rylee fell out of that damn storage closet. She made me feel. Made me whole when all I thought I could ever be was incomplete. Became the lifeline I never knew I needed. Hell yes, she’s worth the fight…but how do you fight for someone you know you don’t deserve?

Love is full of ups and downs.
Heart stopping highs.
Soul shattering lows.
And none of them are insignificant.
Love is a racecourse of unexpected twists and turns that must be negotiated. You have to break down walls, learn to trust, and heal from your past in order to win. But sometimes it’s the expected that’s the hardest to hold on to.

Colton has healed and completed me, stolen my heart, and made me realize our love’s not predictable nor perfect—it’s bent.And bent’s okay. But when outside factors put our relationship to the test, what lengths will I have to go to prove to him that he’s worth the fight?

Whoever said love is patient and love is kind, never met the two of us. We know our love is worth it—have acknowledged that we were meant to be—but when our pasts crash into our future, will the repercussions make us stronger or break us apart?


Review – Coming Soon


Aced (The Driven Series Book 5) by [Bromberg, K.]

Rylee and Colton’s ride continues…

One moment. Six years ago.

The night she made the world around me so much more than just a blur. Now it’s the catalyst that threatens to tear us apart.

Our happily was supposed to be ever after. So why do I feel like it’s slipping through my fingers?

How can one moment, when our world seemed so right, resurface and cause our perfect life to spiral out of control?

I can’t lose her.

She’s my checkered flag.


Review – Coming Soon

This is everything that I have read in the month of May.

Thank you all for joining me here in our little part of wonderland. Please don’t forget to feed the unicorns on your way out.

Until next time

Much love




Free Friday

Hello, wonderlandians.

How are all of you? I’m so very excited I have my computer back so I will be able to really crank out some more reviews for you guys. I have sort of been lost without my computer for this past week and it sucks. So I had to learn how to use my iPad again. Which I know sounds really weird but I have not really used any kind of Apple product in a really long time. It’s been at least 4 years since I’ve owned an iPhone.

You guys are not here to hear me ramble about getting my computer back or Apple products in a long time. So what you guys are here for that Free Friday. These are probably my favorite post to do other than doing book reviews. So today I have an awesome book for you guys it’s called Beautiful Demons and I read this book a really long time ago. It has gone through a color change since I got it. So I had included both covers. The one on the left is the original cover and then the one Bonnie Wright is the cover redesign. I have to say I really enjoy the new cover. I feel that it really represents the story the best and in all actuality, it does look a lot more professional. I really try not to let an amateur looking covers to stop me from reading it. And I was so happy that when it had its original cover I didn’t let That fact stop me from reading the book because it’s really good.


Harper Madison isn’t like other girls. She has extraordinary powers, but her inability to control them has gotten her kicked from so many foster homes she’s lost count. Shadowford Home for Girls is her last chance, and she hopes Peachville High will be the fresh start she needs.

At first, life appears to be looking up for Harper. She’s making new friends and is strangely drawn to the guy next door. But when evidence ties her to the gruesome murder of a Demons cheerleader, Harper discovers this small town has a big secret.

Beautiful Demons is a fast-paced YA novel with magic, mystery, and a touch of romance. This series will appeal to all ages, including fans of Pretty Little Liars, Hex Hall, and The Vampire Diaries.


Thank you for joining me here in our little part of wonderland. Please don’t forget to feed the unicorns on your way out.

Until next time

Much love



Monday Madness – Sunday Night Post – Project Odette

Hello, wonderlandians. How is your Monday going? So I have a post that I should have put up yesterday but I was spending the day with my boyfriends family. So this is going to be a update on my writing. I

Related image

Seriously, this is how I feel when I comes to my writing right now. I am not burnt out by it. I am just having a really hard time figuring how I want to word everything. It’s the most frustrating thing. As I said in my other post this book is very personal to me. I need to get to wording just right.

Any newbie authors out there struggling with this issue? The topic that I am writing on is kind of a taboo one being that it is mental health. I love this topic and this book. I have wanted to write it for 7 years. I am having doubts about my book. I don’t want to offend anyone. At the same time why should I care? This is my book.

I have written a whole new chapter this week.

Thank you all for joining me here in our little part of wonderland. Please don’t forget to feed the unicorns on your way out.

Until next time

Much love

