Audiobook Review – The Hook-Up Handbook

The Hookup Handbook by [Ryan, Kendall]

My love wand is on a strike. As bad as that blows, pun unintended, it’s 10 times worse for me. I’m a male escort, but not just any escort, I’m the escort. The one with a mile-long waiting list and a pristine reputation that’s very well-deserved.

Only now, I’m on hiatus. Because after years of pleasing women all over the city, my man missile decides to get finicky. And the only woman he wants? Someone I can never have – my best friend’s younger sister, the nerdy and awkwardly adorable Sienna.

She’s working at the agency this summer, keeping me organized, handling paperwork, and, most importantly, keeping me on track to finish writing my book about sex and intimacy, which is due to my publisher in 30 days.

She thinks I hate her, that I don’t want her here. The truth is much more twisted. I get hard every time she walks into my office. Her wide blue eyes and pouty mouth drive me wild with desire, and if she stays, I’m not sure how much longer I can stay away from her.

Little Miss Overachiever says she’s here to help? Fine. I’m going to put her nerdy, curvy tush to work.

This book intrigued me just by the name alone. The Hook-Up Handbook? I mean come on. Plus it’s a Kendall Ryan book. On top of that Erin Mallon and Jason Clarke. This is a recipe for a great time. Kendall Ryan did not disappoint with this book. Let’s be real though any book she writes it never disappoints. Sienna and Case their story is so cute. Sienna is looking for a summer fling to get over her ex but she as not expecting to fall in love with her boss. Case just wanted to help a friend out by hiring his little sister he did not expect Sienna at all. The writing and the dialogue I love it. It feels real. Please pick up this book.

Erin Mallon and Jason Clarke. I love them. Together the are one of the it duos for me. Their voices pair together so well. Erin has a great range when it comes to her voices. Same goes for Jason. I can’t say enough good things about these to.

Thank you all for joining me here in our little part of wonderland. Please don’t forget to feed the unicorns on your way out.

Until next time

Happy reading

Much love


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